Browse My RECENT Work
I embrace a number of different styles and techniques in my work, but always with the intention of creating an alternate vision or view of the world. There’s a bit of mystery in everything.
Mixing traditional painting with digital art, photography, light-painting, and lens-based captures, emotive and unique images result.
My Courses & Workshops
Art Workshops, Mentoring, Short Seminars, & Field Trips
- 2024: iPhone Photography workshop
- email me to get notified when registration is open ( around the beginning of March 2024. The 2023 version was sold out so get on the list soon)
- Become Highly Inspired — Group workshops & classes for all levels of photographers
- Become a photo editing champ — Whether it’s Photoshop on your computer, or apps on your iPhone, learn to maximize your potential!
- Become an artist! — You already have the desire, let’s work together to make it real.

Your walls will love you for it!