Hello! I’m Alexandra Morrison, a photographic and mixed media artist. I won’t bore you with all the details, but I know people are always curious about the human being “behind” the Web site. So to help you get to know me, here are the highlights.
And I promise to respect your intelligence by not starting out by telling you I became enamored with photography when I was 13 (or 12 or 16, or 18) when I got my first camera!
The truth is I don’t really remember WHEN art & photography became a part of my life, but I was always “into” art, even at the early age of 4 when my over eager grandparents submitted one of my scribbles to some magazine art contest and I ended up winning first prize!

At university (in the days way before digital; remember key-punch cards??) I became a member of the photography club and honed the fine art of seeing in the dark as I spent countless hours in the darkroom trying to make sense of it all, and wishing I had paid more attention during chemistry class. I did have some interesting results though, and encouraged by friends, teachers and family, pursued it as a hobby till I got wrapped up in my career working as a project manager/executive director in the environmental and community development sector. I left the old 35mm moldering in its case and only ever brought it out on the occasional trip to Europe or the beach!
A revival of sorts happened in the late 90s with the arrival of affordable digital cameras…and I reinvigorated my love affair with photography. I began drawing and painting again in 2018 and the two genres have melded together in strange ways as the tools of my new workflow and style.
I’m an internationally recognized professional photographer, Master of Photographic Arts (MPA), accredited by the Professional Photographers Association of Canada in Fine Art Photography and Stock Photography, and…
…Canadian Photographic Artist of the Year (2009),
…and Manitoba Photographer of the Year, 2015, 2012 and 2011.
You can also find me on my educational site Nature Photography Central (undergoing a renewal so it’s a bit of a mess )