The first in-person conference and awards gala in 3 years took place this past weekend. It was too close to home to not attend.
I submitted 4 images to the show, and one for the Masters’ Competition. One image scored Excellence and the other Merit. The Merit image was first judged Excellence also but there was a flaw in the black border surrounding this image – yes, what’s in the border counts as part of the image! So it only scored Merit.
But I was delighted to learn at the Awards Banquet, that these images had also been selected for special awards – the Judges Choice award and the prestigious Loan Collection.
The Loan Collection consists of the best 30 images in Canada.
Here they are:

I have a 30 x 24 gallery-wrapped canvas print of the Burmis Tree (the image is titled “Standing the Test of Time”), sign by me, for sale for a limited time.